The course provides instruction on the fundamentals of locating based on locating processes employed by specific industries. For those already involved in the industry, we ensure that they receive the same base material, recognizing that not all locators have received the same type of training. Based on observed skills, the employers provide the confirmation that the individual is performing their tasks in a competent manner. The ORCGA is proud of the capable individuals who are performing this important work. We encourage them, true to their title of Damage Prevention Technician, to fully embrace their role in the prevention of damage.

The program combines:

  • In-class instruction
  • Field awareness review
  • On-the-job competency assessment

The ORCGA is pleased to offer our members and the public an opportunity to recognize the significant knowledge and expertise required to complete the complicated task of locating underground facilities throughout our province. With the assistance of numerous subject matter experts, the Province of Ontario and Humber College we developed and launched a Damage Prevention Technician, DPT® Certification Program.