Best Practices
The ORCGA has developed the Best Practices through the commitment and consensus of its members working together towards a safer Ontario.
These practices describe the type of activities that ORCGA believes would provide optimum levels of diligence towards preventing damage to underground infrastructure.
Not all stakeholders can presently adopt all of these practices; however, it is anticipated that progression will be made towards following the practices over time.
From 2004 – 2014, the ORCGA published Best Practices Version 1.0 – 8.0, a culmination of 10 years of dedication by the Best Practices Committee to develop new and improve existing practices.
In 2014, the Best Practices transitioned from provincial to national in scope, with the release of the Canadian Common Ground Alliance Best Practices, Version 1.0 in October 2014, in conjunction with other provincial regional partners.
Best Practice proposals can be submitted using our Best Practice Proposal Form. Once a proposal is submitted it follows the process shown in the Best Practice Proposal Flowchart.
Interested in becoming a part of the Best Practice Committee? Please send an email to